Le counter~


PSO 2! \(^0^)/

Konichiwa minna! owo)/

Guess what? For the past 2 weeks I've been playing this super awesome game called Phantasy Star Online 2, or just call it PSO2 c:

So yeah, at first, I was like a lost little lamb, not knowing what to do, blindly following stuff xD but then I joined a team (AKA guild owo) and I started to get to know more stuff c:

Well...first impression of this game? Very much like Dragon Nest, but also not like it.

Like, you can change your view from third person to first person kinda, and I prefer playing it first person view xD Also, unlike dragon nest, which feels like it gets pretty boring if you solo, this does not ^^ You can call for AIs to help you and stuff :D and if you call in a real friend but controlled by AI, you get FUN, a currency to use in the scratch lottery ^^ pretty cool c:

well....this game is taking up my life from real stuff! xD omg, tomorrow I have a presentation to do and PRACTICAL TEST!!!! //cries a river. oh well... have a photo of my kawaii chara c:

Ja ne, everyone~! <3


Most suay day EVER!!! >A<;;

Hey all!

Before I start into what happened today, some of you might not understand the meaning of suay, partially because you don't come from singapore where singlish is part of our daily lives :P Anyway, here's the definition of suay (from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Singlish_vocabulary#S if anybody needs to know XD)

Suay: Unlucky. From Hokkien or Teochew ่กฐ (soe).

So now you know~! c: well, onto my day today!

The night before, I was studying for my programming essential quiz because I was really scared for it and I wanted to do well. When I finally sleep it was like what, 1Am, I think? ((and no, I didn't sleep late because I was texting a certain someone...nope >///>))

So I was awaken by my dad to pray in the morning and thus I did, and after that I went to sleep. Big mistake. I had a dream about spoons, for some odd reasosn (am I becoming an esper?! :D) and the next thing I knew was that I was awake. Naturally.

At first I was like, eh, not bad, can wake up naturally but then...something felt odd. Real odd. then I remembered I have class today. AT 9AM. So I scuffled around for my glasses and when I finally put them on I checked the time and OMG IT WAS 9.15AM!!!!!!!!


So I went to not even shower but just wash face, put some deodorant, and just....threw in my programming essential coursebook and rush out of the house like a mad dog. Then I realised I don't have enough money for the bus fare in my ezlink card.


So I had to go back up to my house and get a bunch of coins in my piggy bank (yes, I do indeed have a piggy bank) and then rush back out and wait for the lift (AGAIN!!!).

Once I'm downstairs I switched between quick walk and a sprint to the bus stop and just when I reached the bus stop, my bus, 13, left.



What can I do but wait? When the next bus finally arrived it was already 9.30AM. when I reached the bus interchange it was 9.40. when I reached my class it was already almost 10AM. An hour late for class.

......I know what you guys are thinking. Why this person so stupid, never take MC? Well,

I need to tell you guys the truth about me. //sighs.






Just because.



honest. Don't ask why, I just, idk, don't feel right when I do that? Anywho, back to my lame-ass story ^-^

When I finally entered the lab the teacher said if I knew that there was a quiz today and I said yeah, and then she ask if I know I get 0, and I just went with the flow and went like yeah....welp.

So yeah, that's my super suay morning :c Have any of you guys ever had a suay day, like mine, or *gasp* even worse? Share it with me so I can laugh at your unluckiness!!! XD

jkjk buahaha >w<

My luck has already been used up for this year, not surprised that I am so unlucky XD TBH I also forgot what took all my luck away...lel.... OTL.

well, I guess that's all for today~! *looks at the time*....ehhhhhh?!?! IT'S ALREADY 1 WHADDAFAQ MAN!!

anyway, oyasumi/sayonara my lovellies~ <3 don't be as suay as me! XD

Ja ne~


Just a lame edit =w=

Hey everyone!!! >w<

Lately I've been busy uvu because poly has started!!! ohohoho~ 

met new and old friends, you knkow, doing the social thing.

OMG. I'm doing a SOCIAL  THING. 

ohohohohoho--*cough cough* I think I'm coming down with a cough uvu and flu. sisghs.
anyway I came online bc I wanted to post my SGTR edit I did ovo

Cyoot right uvu I did it to promote the oishii club which is originally in Instagram. Go check it out! @oishii_club c:

kayy imma go now~

ja ne my lovelies~! <3


I gots nothing to blog >_<¦¦¦

Konbanwa minna owo

Like what the title says, I really have nothing to blog nowadays.

Unless you want to hear my really weird dreams about my secondary school turning into a shopping mall completed with an ice rink room... ^^;; but I doubt you guys would want to hear about it right? XD

Well... let's see, ah, Yes, a few weeks back, I joined oishii club on instagram OvO you can search up about it if you find the user @oishii_club or the hashtag #oishii_club owo they're having another membership opening in 2 month's time if I'm not wrong~

what is oishii club about? It's basically a roleplay club, where we roleplay with each other ^_^ from my experience with roleplaying 80% of the people in there, I must say that the  tiny community is really nice, and makes me feel like a family when I roleplay with them ^-^

there aren't much disputes in the club at the moment, but some logistics are still messed up ((says one of the admins XD ))

It's alright cuz I'm happy to be part of the oishii club ^-^ and I really hope it continues to be active >///<

..Oh Wow. It's going to be 1 am soon XD Well....whatevs >w<

I feel like drawing too...but I'm currently having some art block. Also, my drawing style is changing a lot in a short span of time, and honestly, I dislike it. I mean, I never get to savour that drawing style before improving it. It makes me feel kinda sad, and I'm wondering how can I slow it down...//crais ;v;

*sudden realisation* I have been typing a whole bunch of sentences without me realizing! Ohohoho~~♡ so, I do have something to blog after all! ヽ(^。^)ノ

Well, cya all next time I blog~ gonna try to overcome this art block by drawing real random shit ~ = ̄ω ̄=

ja ne ~♥

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Opening up commissions! (^O^)

Hey everyone?

how's it going? Anyway, I'm opening up commissions! I will draw stuff as you request and you pay me a small fee! :D it's quite cheap and I'm doing this to pass time c: here are the details~

Pricing for each base type
Chibi- $1.50
postcard- $2.50
business card- $1.50

♡Coloured +$1.00
♡Priority list +0.50

♡Request for a complicated bg +1.00
((Normal bg is any one colour of your choice))

♡cut out ((like chibi)) +0.50
♡simple bg colour +0.50 [I didn't add this in the photo]

-porn/hentai/ecchi ((because no))
-titans from snk ((we aren't good at that yet))
-furries ((not our forte))

I'm doing with my sister on instagram so if you want to request a commission from me just comment on one of my pictures, or dm either one of us ^-^

IG names:
me @paperlanturn
My sis @maguusamurai

Alternatively, if you do not have instagram, I have Kik for communication c: Kik: sleepyshou ^-^
Hngghhhhh...that's all I guess ^_^ gonna make more samples and stuff to put on carousell ^^

Ja ne~<3

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Music~ \(^0^)/

Hey all! :D

Wow, posting my latest post on the computer~ How rare~ hehe XD yep, one of the days where I actually post from the computer -w- You know why? Because I wanted to back up my phone, so meanwhile, why not write in my blog? >w<

Yep, anyway, last saturday, I went with my sister to her schools' band concert thing :3 It was very nice, and it made me want to play my trombone again!! o3o POWER OF MUSIC!! XD The songs they played were real nice, I wished I could play like them! Plus, the graduating batch played two songs, and they had only one trombonist! And dayum, I could hear her loudly playing O_O Ack, I wish I could play loudly like her too! >_<

selca with wafie-imouto-chan~
They had this 30 minute intermission and wafie met up with her friend angeline, and we took photos and selcas together -w-

yay group photo >w<

selcaaaaaaa owo
Yep~ we also sat beside winnie, another friend of wafie's :3 she's a real nice person~ >w< She also sold me stuff previously, and it was effecient! haha! :D

^ winnie is kawaii owo

Yeah, after the intermission, the alumni band played real cool pieces, but the only one I could remember was Les Miserebles (( IDK how to spell //cries )) which gave me goosebumps. Then I remembered, my ex-neighbour Adena might be playing today! So I scanned at the horn section *stalker mode activated* and yay she was there!! ^0^ we greeted her after the concert ended and we took a selfie~ ^^ So glad to see her! Like, we became friends when we were..9, I think? So glad to be her friend~ She's so smart, I feel so jelly around her >3< hehe xD

Anyway, that is all, nothing much to say here -w- have a good day ahead~!

Ja ne <3


Update on life ~^O^~

Tales runner, some racing mmo game I've been playing recently <3

Hey all! So I decided to have an update on my life!! :D

So, cotton has turned 6 months yesterday! Yaaay! ╰(◑ε◑)╮ he's a big boy now! And he's so heavy to carry!! I could easily carry him with one hand when we first got him!Σ( ° △ °|||)︴

yep. K. Next update!

I highlighted my hair~ it's dark purple, but after two washes, it's now pretty visible which is what I originally wanted ^-^ Yaaay!

next update!

I started using the cruncher we have at home, and damn, after using it for the past 3 days, my stomach has been feeling cramped up! o(╯□╰)o I really am hoping to see results of my exercise which is like only 3 mins a day ((lol)) one can hope right? Huehue -w-

well..don't think I have any more updates of my petty little life >.< unless you're keen to know that I am thinking of making a comic called "everyday musings" ((tentative title)) and me folding paper stars  0^◇^0)/ so yeah, you can return to your more majestic lives and ignore this long post if you don't like it. ;v;

Ja ne ~♬

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Yjc carnival day thingy -w-

Groupphoto!! :D
Me and my sis mandatory selca eue

Konbanwa everyone! *^▁^* how's your day? Mine was pretty alright c: my friends who're in jc have this carnival thing going on so we went -3- I went with Wafie and we met up with Xue Er Candice adrianna and Emelia c: Candice brought along her youngest bro too! Fufufu ~

anyway as usual, I was the very punctual one ((as usual)) and when everyone arrived we went to yishun jc ^-^

Have I ever told any of you guys I dislike the stretch from yio chu kang to khatib?? Not only it's super long, the mrt travel so slow at that part!

Whatever lmao. ╮(╯_╰)╭ It was super hot anyway and we met up and chatted with my frands, especially the OT5 -w- I and Wafie spent most of our coupons on food ((which was greatly overpriced -.-)) We stayed until about 4 if I'm not wrong, just doing retarded shit. Then we went back with Xue and Candice's bro Jake ^_^

When we got back we were so tired we turn on the air con and just chill the whole afternoon. We ate some food and then watched the bee movie which was showing on Disney (0^◇^0)/ was a nice relaxing afternoon because I really felt like the house was a condo!!  XD

Anyway I'm so tired rn. ╮(╯_╰)╭ gonna sleep cuz tmr my dad will be flying to China for just work stuff o3o and most likely next week I'll be dying this hair of mine! :D

Ja ne, and おやづみ!↖(^▽^)↗

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Finding a part time job is hard for someone like me ╯△╰

Hey everybody! C:

I'm currently trying to find a part time job since I'm not getting any money by staying at home -3- and gawd, this is hard!!! Σ( ° △ °|||)︴

I never did realise that I have to go for a short interview with the person and stuff, it is honestly all new to me! >_<;;

And scary too. Because I'm basically the opposite of who I am online when I'm offline.

Does that make any sense? ╮(╯_╰)╭

Argh. I just need to fill up my time while waiting for poly to start ((which, by the way, haven't sent me the enrollment package thing yet)) and get some money. Sigh.

You know, if I was a popular blogger then I'd go make money just by advertising shits on this blog *^▁^* ((yes, dream on Milk-senpai, dream on))

OK, time to job hunt again today -3- this is getting tiring and boring, this job hunting thing. HOW DO ADULTS SURVIVE LIKE THIS?!?! (⊙o⊙);;

Well, this probably makes me an incompetent adult. orz


Ja ne, everybody <3

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I'm so angry!

Hi everyone.

My header says it all- I'm so freaking angry.

Why? Simple. Remember in my previous post that I was super duper excited to go and get my hair dyed??
Yes, well, someone decided to be a party pooper and indirectly said that I should not dye my hair. Why? Because that said person thinks that I'm too young, and I might do other not so good things like tattoos and what not later in life.

Hello? First of all, I'm going to be 17. Don't understand numbers? Fine. I'm going to be SEVENTEEN. I'm pretty sure I'm not TOO young, right? Secondly, no offence to tattoo wielders,  I think you guys are cool in your own way, but I don't like tats on my skin. At all. True, I might change my mind as I go along the way, but I am a friking Muslim. Honestly eventho I break some rules periodically, I still dislike tats, and I even went to the EXTENT of finding out if dying my hair is permissible!

Honestly, I feel like going out right now and just freaking go to the neighbourhood hair salon with my own money and dye my freaking hair you know. -.-

Plus, I wasn't even planning to dye all of my hair! Last night I decided that I want to keep most of my hair same black, but the undercolour some cool crazy colour like blue or red maybe.

It's my freaking hair, not yours. Why are you restraining me to do what you want? If I could, I would totally gtfo of this house and go downstairs. Seriously.

Sorry to take it out on the internet, and if you ever read this piece of post one day in the future, I hope you break down and cry or something. Because right now I feel like crying.

I know I'm holding a very bratty attitude right now, but I've been waiting so long for today. It's pretty unfair to me, because I've been planning to get my hair dyed since after o levels.

You know what, fruk this. If that person don't let me dye my hair, tomorrow, after doing my exercise, I will take my money and go down to the hair salon and get my freaking hair dyed, highlighted, whatever.

This is annoying the fruk out of me.

Ja ne kids.

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Heysies ^0^)/

So hi guise, it's a little over half past 11 pm, so I guess I could do a little bit of blogging so you guys are updated with my super duper boring life.  Yay!! ╮(╯▽╰)╭

So anyway, it's 2014 right? Basically what major things that happened whilst I was on a slight hiatus ((LOLOL I just wanted to use that word cuz it's uber cool)):

-took my O levels
-Got a really high score for Os ((it's not good okay, it's bad. I know, it's kinda weird but whatever, go with it yo.))
-got a boyfriend during the holidays
-Played lots of talesrunner and maplestory ((don't judge me pls. ))
-went to Melbourne at the end of 2013
-Bought a Persian cat

One of the above is false, guess which one! ヽ(^。^)ノ

Haha, well, anyway now I got into nanyang polytechnic because appeal lmao. And also, bought really cute clothes from kinda branded stores. ((Sorry, I feel like they're branded so sorry not sorry for buying clothes at unbranded places ╮(╯▽╰)╭))

Sighs for some unknown reason I get tired whilst blogging/tumblring. Help me lul. >A<;;

Oh yeah, tomorrow I might be dyeing my hair XD honestly Idk what colour I should dye my hair >< on one hand, I want to just dye brown and highlight Burgundy but on the other hand I want to colour my hair brown and dip dye it blue and purple! Help me onegaishimasu!!! o(╯□╰)o o(╯□╰)o o(╯□╰)o

Well, I shall do some late night research and sleep before 1am!

Ja ne!♡

((Pls refer to me as Milk-senpai starting from today onwards c: I will try to somehow change my profile image of the Google thingy -w- ))

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Hello hello ~^O^~

Hi kids~ -w-

so....happy ((super late)) new year!!  Please take care of me, onegaishimasu >w<

I know ((and I ain't sorry at all)) that I haven't blogged in here for a looooooong time, not that it matters, and not like anyone cares, right? ╮(╯_╰)╭

Well, my peepos, your lovely friend is back here, still forever single as always -w-

anyway I was waiting for the interview lady to call me back because well, I applied for a part time job so I can waste time whilst waiting for poly to start. The lady told me she'd get back to me by ((last week)) this week which is by Saturday but hey, it's Monday now and where's my call? ╭(╯ε╰)╮ 

/Sighs/ Lady, it's OK,  you could've said you didn't want me to be part timing and all...

Whatever. Now I got time to play talesrunner, and I shall play it with all my might! >:3

See you kids around, take care okayy! ♡

Ja ne ~

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