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Update on life ~^O^~

Tales runner, some racing mmo game I've been playing recently <3

Hey all! So I decided to have an update on my life!! :D

So, cotton has turned 6 months yesterday! Yaaay! ╰(◑ε◑)╮ he's a big boy now! And he's so heavy to carry!! I could easily carry him with one hand when we first got him!Σ( ° △ °|||)︴

yep. K. Next update!

I highlighted my hair~ it's dark purple, but after two washes, it's now pretty visible which is what I originally wanted ^-^ Yaaay!

next update!

I started using the cruncher we have at home, and damn, after using it for the past 3 days, my stomach has been feeling cramped up! o(╯□╰)o I really am hoping to see results of my exercise which is like only 3 mins a day ((lol)) one can hope right? Huehue -w-

well..don't think I have any more updates of my petty little life >.< unless you're keen to know that I am thinking of making a comic called "everyday musings" ((tentative title)) and me folding paper stars  0^◇^0)/ so yeah, you can return to your more majestic lives and ignore this long post if you don't like it. ;v;

Ja ne ~♬

Posted via Blogaway

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