Le counter~


Tuition just ended~! And le ranting mode ON! (ò_ó)

konichiwa! Tuition just ended~ damn happy can? OWO
However, LE RANT MODE IZ ON!!! >:| imma rant about shit I've been thinking (yes, I do think a lot, which leads to overthinking, but isn't that what a blog is for? ;D )
DISCLAIMER: I'm gonna be pretty straightfoward here although irl I'm not :p

Okhai? Anyway..
1. I fudging hate mr Tay. You know yesterday right, we were doing drills since clarinets were using it for sectionals with tutor. So then the Tay came. He say why sec 3 band leader don't know how to do drills? Idk how you pull through last syf! Walao knn sia! He's like insulting us! Hello? Is we know okay? -.-
2. ...must I say this? >.<; yeah okay anyway I shall, cos if not I'll keep thinking about it and shit.. So yeah.. Ok. Jerral's gf feliza is like damn pretty OxO. I have no idea what compelled me to say this lol. Anyway, last long~ even though I don't really care. No. Really. If Candice tries to say otherwise imma tape up her mouth :x

Ok LE RANT MODE OFF. Like seriously. Lol. Ok then.
Ja ne! ^_^

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