Le counter~


New pics from google! (o u o)/

Konbanwa! It's drizzling now! Just finish chemistry tuition lol. Hehe I kinda like PruAus but AusHun is always my number one!! >w<
Tmr is racial harmony day! OWO but I dont plan to wear traditional clothes cos its too much of a hassle -w-;
I need $18 cos of:
-cookies($12) >.<
-class photo($3 each) OWO

Ugh..I also need to scan stuff -.-;
:le sighs:
Ahh whatev. Imma just sleep later then -3-.
Ja ne! See you all like, tomorrow, yeah? ^_^
Piccys I download are all below, hehe~
Credits to respective owners lol. Just found it in google so yeah..

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