Le counter~


Fasting month iz here!! Σ(OWO)ノ

Konbanwa! I forgot to tell you all that fasting month is here~! >w< it's the end of the second day already :3
...did I mention I am a Muslim? OWO;
Bitch please, I won't bomb your house lah! ( ;-3-)_|
Anyway! Left 28 more days till HARI RAYA!!!! Ohmygosh, $$$ will come to le awesome me~! ÒwÓ/
Ahh, common test is in 2 weeks time! Σ(゚д゚lll)shit!! I'm so not prepared!! Especially maths and Amath and Malay!! Ohgodwhy I'm a Malay yet I fail at that subject!!! RAGEEEE.
Ok that's like so irrelevant to the title but WHATEV!
Oh, I suddenly started playing pkmn hgss 8D fun okay?! D8
Anywayy, ja ne~! Still finding out if Sherlock can be unlocked >.<

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