Le counter~


Le tired me... ( ´Д`)ノ zzz...

I feel so sleepy, because of band! >.<; but I have SS and bio test tmr!!!
Σ(゚д゚lll)Ahhh! Stupid tay! Stupid Ng! Stupid band!!! >:(
Why?! Why does he INSIST we should practice even though there's oral?! He is damn brainless can!? :EPIC FACEPALM:
I'm fasting some more you know? At least I endured ^w^ I kept thinking positively :3 hehehehe~
Anyway, during band, we first had sectionals until 5.30pm then we had combined for 30 mins :) during sectionals, we had a break, but it's supposedly for 15 mins in the end we stretch until 30 mins xD funny sia!
Then during combined, victorio made a weird sound and Tay accuse David. Funny ttm sia! XD fail David is fail :P
Did I ever mentioned I play the trombone? :3 my senior last time told me that trombonists are the best kissers ;D hehehehe~
Anyway, Ja ne, need to study :'(
Sayonara desu!

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