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London detective story; Morris aka James ver OWO

Konbanwa! Sorry for the late upload and stuff! Singtel has some serious probs -.-
Anyway! After finishing mr Holmes and fake mr Watson aka mortiarty (idk how to spell this dudes name!) storyline, I went to check out Morris storyline :3
He's an artist *w* me likey~<3
Apparently he is part of the gang and because he is I think backing up the dude that is stealing, he didn't do it so the organization is after him. So he had to run away to France (LOL so romantic -w-) and you will say can I follow you because apparently you love him :3

Oh yeah, since I've seen all 3 endings, I feel that the fake mr Watson ending is the best cos like, duh! There's a kissing scene! OWO O///O :squeals in delight: ahhhhh!!!! (^//w//^)/ hehehehh...I'm like fangirling at the thought of it x3
Anyway, ja ne~ as usual, uploading the pics!

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