Le counter~


Opening up commissions! (^O^)

Hey everyone?

how's it going? Anyway, I'm opening up commissions! I will draw stuff as you request and you pay me a small fee! :D it's quite cheap and I'm doing this to pass time c: here are the details~

Pricing for each base type
Chibi- $1.50
postcard- $2.50
business card- $1.50

♡Coloured +$1.00
♡Priority list +0.50

♡Request for a complicated bg +1.00
((Normal bg is any one colour of your choice))

♡cut out ((like chibi)) +0.50
♡simple bg colour +0.50 [I didn't add this in the photo]

-porn/hentai/ecchi ((because no))
-titans from snk ((we aren't good at that yet))
-furries ((not our forte))

I'm doing with my sister on instagram so if you want to request a commission from me just comment on one of my pictures, or dm either one of us ^-^

IG names:
me @paperlanturn
My sis @maguusamurai

Alternatively, if you do not have instagram, I have Kik for communication c: Kik: sleepyshou ^-^
Hngghhhhh...that's all I guess ^_^ gonna make more samples and stuff to put on carousell ^^

Ja ne~<3

Posted via Blogaway


Music~ \(^0^)/

Hey all! :D

Wow, posting my latest post on the computer~ How rare~ hehe XD yep, one of the days where I actually post from the computer -w- You know why? Because I wanted to back up my phone, so meanwhile, why not write in my blog? >w<

Yep, anyway, last saturday, I went with my sister to her schools' band concert thing :3 It was very nice, and it made me want to play my trombone again!! o3o POWER OF MUSIC!! XD The songs they played were real nice, I wished I could play like them! Plus, the graduating batch played two songs, and they had only one trombonist! And dayum, I could hear her loudly playing O_O Ack, I wish I could play loudly like her too! >_<

selca with wafie-imouto-chan~
They had this 30 minute intermission and wafie met up with her friend angeline, and we took photos and selcas together -w-

yay group photo >w<

selcaaaaaaa owo
Yep~ we also sat beside winnie, another friend of wafie's :3 she's a real nice person~ >w< She also sold me stuff previously, and it was effecient! haha! :D

^ winnie is kawaii owo

Yeah, after the intermission, the alumni band played real cool pieces, but the only one I could remember was Les Miserebles (( IDK how to spell //cries )) which gave me goosebumps. Then I remembered, my ex-neighbour Adena might be playing today! So I scanned at the horn section *stalker mode activated* and yay she was there!! ^0^ we greeted her after the concert ended and we took a selfie~ ^^ So glad to see her! Like, we became friends when we were..9, I think? So glad to be her friend~ She's so smart, I feel so jelly around her >3< hehe xD

Anyway, that is all, nothing much to say here -w- have a good day ahead~!

Ja ne <3


Update on life ~^O^~

Tales runner, some racing mmo game I've been playing recently <3

Hey all! So I decided to have an update on my life!! :D

So, cotton has turned 6 months yesterday! Yaaay! ╰(◑ε◑)╮ he's a big boy now! And he's so heavy to carry!! I could easily carry him with one hand when we first got him!Σ( ° △ °|||)︴

yep. K. Next update!

I highlighted my hair~ it's dark purple, but after two washes, it's now pretty visible which is what I originally wanted ^-^ Yaaay!

next update!

I started using the cruncher we have at home, and damn, after using it for the past 3 days, my stomach has been feeling cramped up! o(╯□╰)o I really am hoping to see results of my exercise which is like only 3 mins a day ((lol)) one can hope right? Huehue -w-

well..don't think I have any more updates of my petty little life >.< unless you're keen to know that I am thinking of making a comic called "everyday musings" ((tentative title)) and me folding paper stars  0^◇^0)/ so yeah, you can return to your more majestic lives and ignore this long post if you don't like it. ;v;

Ja ne ~♬

Posted via Blogaway


Yjc carnival day thingy -w-

Groupphoto!! :D
Me and my sis mandatory selca eue

Konbanwa everyone! *^▁^* how's your day? Mine was pretty alright c: my friends who're in jc have this carnival thing going on so we went -3- I went with Wafie and we met up with Xue Er Candice adrianna and Emelia c: Candice brought along her youngest bro too! Fufufu ~

anyway as usual, I was the very punctual one ((as usual)) and when everyone arrived we went to yishun jc ^-^

Have I ever told any of you guys I dislike the stretch from yio chu kang to khatib?? Not only it's super long, the mrt travel so slow at that part!

Whatever lmao. ╮(╯_╰)╭ It was super hot anyway and we met up and chatted with my frands, especially the OT5 -w- I and Wafie spent most of our coupons on food ((which was greatly overpriced -.-)) We stayed until about 4 if I'm not wrong, just doing retarded shit. Then we went back with Xue and Candice's bro Jake ^_^

When we got back we were so tired we turn on the air con and just chill the whole afternoon. We ate some food and then watched the bee movie which was showing on Disney (0^◇^0)/ was a nice relaxing afternoon because I really felt like the house was a condo!!  XD

Anyway I'm so tired rn. ╮(╯_╰)╭ gonna sleep cuz tmr my dad will be flying to China for just work stuff o3o and most likely next week I'll be dying this hair of mine! :D

Ja ne, and おやづみ!↖(^▽^)↗

Posted via Blogaway