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Day 1 study camp today >n<

Hello mein lovelies~<3

So like, today was the first day of the bloody study camp, and at first I thought it was gonna be plain torture, but time miraculously passed by quickly! oAo;;

Btw, 8am-9pm guise..

It was held in the library, and I swear it's squeezy >A<

So at first I and Candice sat in the second row, but after the tea break we switched to the back row, cuz Moey and Aby was there~!<3<3 ^w^

I felt bad for tinzar D: she told me like she feels all left out. GIRL IM LIKE FOREVER HERE FOR YOU DAMMIT! TnT apparently we aren't the people she wants to hang out with >_> I guess. Idk lah. Haiz.

And I find some people are just so...slutty okay..? Like the other day, got one person talking to like 5 guys who were

Ok I shouldn't say anything •x•

I'm tiiiired. Gonna bathe and go to sleep >A<

Ja ne <3

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